To book an event

If you would like to invite John and Anne Louise Flaherty to speak at your event please write to us with a description of your event, the location, the number of participants you expect to attend, and the purpose of your gathering. 

We look forward to connecting with you.


Freedom from Addictions and Dependencies   

People from all over the world are beginning to benefit from the message of the new life-changing book, Addiction Unplugged: How to be Free and it is easy to see why. This event is for all those affected by their own addictions or the addictions of their loved ones.

For far too long, we have all been playing out a victim consciousness, convincing ourselves that dependency and powerlessness are absolutely necessary to the human condition. Nowhere is this belief more deeply ingrained than in the ‘world’ of addiction and in the traditional treatment and recovery programmes available to the masses.

In this event you will discover:

  • How to slip out from victim mentality
  • How to move beyond your addictive behaviours
  • How to make full use of your personal power


Freedom from Shame and guilt

The stranglehold of guilt keeps the human being prisoner, crippling us and draining us of life. If you, like many others, have struggled with the burden of a lifetime of guilt and shame you will not want to live another moment in its grip. 

Discover how crucial it is to clear toxic shame and move beyond the soul destroying overwhelm of guilt, returning again to the truth of who you really are.

In this event you will explore the many layers of the debilitative and destructive mind-set that we call guilt. 

You will discover how to:

  • De-programme years of distorted thinking, limitation or restrictiveness and open the way to a renewed sense of self-acceptance, self-worth and self-empowerment.
  • Experience the power of self-forgiveness at a deep cellular level, elevating your spirit and restoring peace of heart, mind, spirit, and will. 
  • Be newly resourced to make choices and decisions that expand and enhance every aspect of your life.


Peaceful Parenting

Empowering yourself and your child to stay centred and calm when you are tired or under pressure

This is an uplifting, rejuvenating, informative and resourceful event for parents of babies and young children.

Learning how to manage your emotions and stress around your baby or your young child provides the best environment possible for your little one’s healthy emotional development. 

Discover how to calm Yourself - Your Baby - Your Child even in testing situations or under difficult or demanding circumstances.

In this event

  • You will resource yourself with practical, easy to learn tools to use when you are feeling overwhelmed
  • You will begin to understand the body’s stress response and how it affects your ability to respond calmly and effectively
  • You will explore the challenges of calming and soothing a crying baby  
  • You will look at ways to help babies and children go off into a calm and restful sleep
  • You will learn how to manage yourself and create better connection with your child when melt down moments or tantrums arise

The better equipped you are to address and nurture your baby’s / child’s emotional needs and development, the greater you will be surprised to find that your children have much more to teach you than you maybe thought you had to teach them!